Shaking Things Up

Because my house is overrun with little girls, I tend to focus on things like princesses, flowers and rainbows when I create. You know, cream puff girlie things--not things that most men would appreciate (at least not publicly).

To shake things up a bit, I decided to paint something that would work for a boy's room. Something macho, manly and tough. So, I painted a dragon. What could be tougher than that? He turned out to be quite a handsome fellow, but maybe not as fearsome as he could have been, seeing as he's smiling happily at a birthday cake. Oh, well. It's progress, right? I've had a lot of positive comments from men about the painting (they think the dragon is awesome), but it has been suggested that next time, instead of a cake, the dragon should be looking at a little human while contemplating eating him.


Keri S. said...

New follower! Come visit me at


Andrea said...

Nice to have you along, Keri! I'm headed over to check out your blog now.