Missing Books

Where do all the library books go? Every time we go to return them, there's one missing. How can this happen EVERY time? Where do they go? What reason could there possibly be? Hmm...well, maybe the secret is there's not just ONE reason.

Ever hear the old story about the dog eating a kid's homework? A few years ago, the dog ate a library book. Cover, pages, everything. He just left part of the spine (I guess it wasn't tasty enough for his refined tastes).
Librarian: "Where's this book? It's overdue!"
Me: "Well, you see, my dog ate it..."
Um...yeah. That excuse didn't work. We had to pay to replace the book.  

Another time, I found the missing book wedged behind Annabel's bed. She had been using it to keep the cat from climbing up and attacking her while she was trying to go to sleep. Perfectly reasonable. Of course, she forgot she had put it there when it was time to return everything. More fines to pay. Yippee!

More recently, a book went missing thanks to Ella's helpfulness. She loves to look through books, and she knows she's supposed to put things away when she's done with them. Only thing is, we don't normally keep the library books in with the laundry. It took awhile to find that one. I think the library added on a new wing with the fines we paid that time.


ADDENDUM handmade said...

Oh, too funny! Next you should try to discover where hair ties run off to. This is one of my most detrimental problems in life...

Andrea said...

We have the same problem around here! I bought a new package a few weeks ago, now we only have three. It's almost as if they grow legs and run away...

codyalthea said...

i was telling ami the other day that they need to have a library credit card, they would make a killing and i would be paying the rest of my life!